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Metric Automotive Engineering

Remanufactured diesel engine component Experts

About us

At Metric Automotive Engineering, we understand that quality remanufactured diesel engine components make a real difference when it comes to reducing total cost of ownership, no matter what industry you operate in. This is why we invest in state-of-the-art equipment and technologies and retain highly skilled artisans.

From our ISO accredited facility in South Africa

We are able provide a range of world class engine component remanufacturing services for:


Non destructive crack testing is carried out on crankshafts to detect flaws and cracks that are not usually visible to the naked eye. At Metric Automotive Engineering these tests are done on a custom built machine which is capable of testing both large and long crankshafts with ease. This forms the basis of the crankshaft inspection process.

All data is recorded to facilitate an informed decision on the repair process. Crankshaft journals are ground to remove material to expose a clean and uniform bearing running surface while maintaining the journal tolerances according to OEM specification. This includes maintaining the critical radius dimensions.

Once the crankshaft has been ground it undergoes a three step polishing process to ensure the best possible journal surface finish.

Worn camshaft lobes can be repaired by reprofiling. Metric Automotive Engineering maintains an extensive library of master profile plates allowing the company to offer reprofiling on most camshaft types.

Cylinder Heads

All cylinder heads are pressure tested using heated immersion technology to detect coolant passage leaks. The cylinder heads are also crack tested using magnetic particle testing to detect any cracks on the combustion surface face.

The condition and tolerances of valves are inspected and recorded to ascertain the extent of the wear so an informed decision can be made regarding refurbishment. Salvageable valves are refaced to extend the component service life.

A similar procedure is followed with valve seats where these are inspected against OEM specifications and where recommended the valve seat is refaced. This process extends the life of the component further.

As a result of fretting, overheating and corrosion, the cylinder head surface often requires refurbishment. In this case, the cylinder head is machined to ensure the integrity of the sealing face.

Cylinder Block

Cylinder blocks that have main bearing housing distortion or wear require line boring to realign the crankshaft running bore. This is accomplished using the latest line boring technology.

Metric Automotive Engineering undertakes conventional reboring of cylinder bores as well as specialized resleeving of upper counter bores and bottom seal areas.

Cylinder block resurfacing is undertaken to re-establish dimensional tolerances and the integrity of the gasket mating surface.

Through the metal spray process, Metric Automotive Engineering can offer reclamation of cylinder blocks that ordinarily would have been unserviceable due to either the block height being below OEM specification or the line bore having spun out or cracked.


Big end housings that no longer conform to OEM specifications are resized to provide extended service life of the component. All resized big ends are bored to within 0.05 mm of final size and then honed to final size.

All resized big ends are bored to within 0.05 mm of final size and then honed to final size.

Where small end bushes no longer conform to OEM specification, these are replaced using specialized tooling. Once the bush is fitted, it is machined to final size maintaining conrod centre to centre length and maintaining the parallel alignment of the small end to big end bores.

Engine Assembly & Dyna Testing

Complete engines are overhauled in-house and assembled in a dedicated assembly workshop where strict adherence to OEM specification and recording of all measurements ensures a quality build.

All engines rebuilt by Metric Automotive engineering are dyna tested on one of the company’s three in-house dynas. The company also undertakes dyna testing for outside customers.

Multi-Skilled artisans at metric auto